Why clean beauty?

When you think of healthy, what’s the first thing that pops in your head? Maybe the foods you eat, maybe you think about exercise or getting enough sleep. But how about clean beauty? Knowing what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it.

Many products have harmful ingredients that can dry out or cause irritation to the skin and some can even be linked to cancers. Why even risk it? You can use clean beauty products without compromising your health.

While I’m still learning about a number of products, a few of my favorite clean beauty brands include Tata Harper, Rahua, Osea, Cocokind, Naturopathica and Follain.

All these brands can be found at Follain - they curate a selection of the highest-performing, safest, 100% non-toxic products and they restrict more than 30 ingredients from their products. This is where my clean beauty obsession started!

What clean beauty products do you recommend? I’m always down to try more!

Be well xx

Courtney Devanna